One solution I found was, using html2ps and then ps2png/ps2jpg/ps2gif to convert it to image. Then ImageMagicK for image manipulation. Somehow I stuck with some weird memory related errors, some package conflicts, some formatting issues etc. So, after spending one day on nothing; I dropped this solution.
Then I tried khtml2png ( and after some r&d, it worked for us.
Some points to remember...
- You need to have VPS/dedicated hosting to setup these tools. On shared hosting, its not possible to install due to various restrictions by hosting providers.
- This tool requires, some libraries and tools: g++, KDE 3.x, kdelibs for KDE 3.x, zlib (zlib1g-dev) and cmake
- This tool uses KDE (K Desktop Environment), that means whenever you use khtml2png tool, it will open one window for *a while* at time of capturing webpage screenshot. We can remove this by using "Xvfb". We will see how to install and configure it later.
- These links will be helpful, if you are planning to develop web application with webpage screen capturing using khtml2png
Here is step by step guide to install various dependencies and packages. (I installed these tools on Fedora7 & RHEL5 successfully)
I used "yum" command to install and auto-configure these tools. If "yum" is not available on your machine, get if from and install it.
yum install ImageMagick
yum install Xvfb
yum install gcc gcc-c++ automake autoconf nano zlib zlib-devel
yum groupinstall "X Window System" "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"
yum install kdelibs kdelibs-devel
yum install Xvfb xorg xorg-x11-font*
Step:2 Install *cmake*
Go to share directory by typing command
cd /usr/local/share/or any preferred directory where you want to download package. (check for latest "cmake" version)
tar -xzvf cmake-2.8.1.tar.gz
cd cmake-2.8.1
make install
Step:3 Download & Install *khtml2png* on your server as per instructions in this link.
Step:4 Check if *khtml2png* is working
/usr/local/bin/khtml2png2 '' yahoo.png
(this will capture yahoo homepage in yahoo.png)
Step:5 Install *khtmld* (a daemon which will be required to run khtml2png in background)
I faced couple of problems while setting up *khtmld*, but it got solved by reading suggestions from above link.
I installed above all tools as *root* user.
Once you are done with above steps, lets play with *khtml2png*
How to start?
Run following command to run khtml2png without a visible X session
(you can put above 2 lines in rc.local so it will start automatically whenever server restarts)
Xvfb :2 -screen 0 1024x768x24&
export DISPLAY=localhost:2.0
Then start *khtmld* daemon as your webserver user (for me it is *apache*) so that PHP script can have permission to talk with this daemon. (run below command after login as *root* user)
khtmld -K /usr/local/bin/khtml2png2 -c /etc/khtmldrc --user apache&
"-K /usr/local/bin/khtml2png2" is path to khtml2png2 as by default "khtmld" will look for old "khtml2png" (khtml2png2 is latest version). Find khtml2png2 path using
whereis khtml2png2
"-c /etc/khtmldrc" is config file path for khtmld (you can create this config file if its not already there)
Sample content for khtmldrc
Capture image using *khtmld*
(for more details -
echo " /tmp/yahoo.png" >/tmp/khtmldspool
We have also used ImageMagicK command "convert" ( to trim the image for removing whitespace.
convert /tmp/yahoo.png -fuzz 1% -trim /tmp/
Sample PHP code for capturing & displaying PNG image using "khtml2png"
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Content-type: image/png");
$webpage_url= "";
$out_put_file = "/tmp/yahoo.png"; //captured screen
$new_out_put_file = "/tmp/"; //whitespace removed
$cmd = "echo '".$webpage_url." ".$out_put_file."' >/tmp/khtmldspool";
// some delay till khtml2png capture screen
while(!file_exists($out_put_file)) { sleep(3); }
exec("convert $out_put_file -fuzz 1% -trim $new_out_put_file");
while(!file_exists($new_out_put_file)) { sleep(1); }
// display image on browser
echo file_get_contents($new_out_put_file);
Hope this will be helpful.
That's all for now.
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